Name | Base 10 (Decimal) | Base 2 (Binary) |
Kilobyte (kB) | 1,000 bytes | 1024 bytes |
Megabyte (MB) | 1,000,000 bytes | 1,048,576 bytes |
Gigabyte (GB) | 1,000,000,000 bytes | 1,073,741,824 bytes |
Terabyte (TB) | 1,000,000,000,000 bytes | 1,099,511,627,776 bytes |
Monday, 5 December 2011
storage capacity measurement
Monday, 28 November 2011
suka suki.....
Tersebutlah kisah dua orang hantu. Mereka ni baru bertemu lalu mereka pun berborakla untuk mengisi masa lapang kehidupan mereka sebagai hantu.Sepanjang perbualan mereka, Hantu B ni tak habis-habis menggigil. Lalu, Hantu A yang kehairanan ni pun bertanya ;
Hantu A : “Apsal kau ni asyik menggigil je hah?”
Hantu B : “Oh..cara aku mati dulu teruk..aku mati dalam peti ais…sejuk!!”
Hantu A: “Ooo..kesian… aku dulu mati sebab heart attack.”
... Hantu B : “Kau memang sakit jantung kronik ye? Apsal ko tak gi buat operation? Kalau tak, sure kau tengah lepak-lepak ngan family kau sekarang.”
Hantu A : “Dah,aku dah buat dah! In fact, mase aku mati tu, aku dah nak pulih pun… Tapi, panjang ceritanya…”
Hantu B: “Ceritala sikit..Sambil-sambil lepak nih..”
Hantu A : “Camni..Aku syak isteri aku main kayu tiga dibelakang aku. So this one day, aku ingat nak perangkap la isteri aku..Aku pura-pura gi keje tapi actually aku park keta aku kat simpang hujung umah aku je. Seperti yang aku syak, masuk sebuah keta kat carpark umah aku. Aku rilex dulu sebab nak carik mase sesuai tangkap diorang.”
Hantu B : “So, ko dapatla tangkap diorang?”
Hantu A : “Tak. Aku cume jumpe isteri aku je kat dalam bilik. Yang aku heran, mase aku masuk umah tu, aku nampak ade kasut laki kat pintu umah aku. Aku tanye isteri aku tapi die takmo jawab. So aku pun lari-lari sekeliling umah aku nak carik jantan tuh. Abis sume bilik aku carik tapi takde pun… Last-last, sebab aku penat sangat berlari carik jantan tuh, aku pun jatuh pengsan sebab heart attack. And aku tak sangka aku mati lak…”
Mendengar cerita itu, lidah Hantu B kelu membisu. Hantu B terdiam seketika. Selepas beberapa ketika, Hantu B pun berkata ;
“Kenapa kau tak check kat dalam peti sejuk? Kalau kau check kat situ, sure kita berdua still hidup lagi…”
Sejarah Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi
Sebelum tahun1940an
• Ianya bermula dengan idea penggunaan mesin mengira ABAKUS dalam
tamaddun Mesir dan China.
• Dikembangkan lagi oleh John Napier, ahli matematik bangsa Scot dengan
mereka alat mengira moden diberi nama logaritma yang boleh
menghitung darab dan bahagi dengan mudah.
• 1617 , Napier menghasilkan alat baru dipanggil; Napier's Bones yang
mengira dengan menggunakan jadual data.
• 1642, Blaise Pascal seorang ahli matematik Perancis mencipta mesen
penghitung digital pertama. Ia dapat mengira dua angka dengan cepat
serta tepat. Ia merupakan asas keepada penciptaan alat mengira atau
kalkulator masa kini.
• 1671, seorang ahli matematik German bernama G.W. Leibnitz mencipta
alat mengira yang lebih baik . Ianya menggunakan sistem binari dan
dapat melakukan semua aktiviti arithmatik.
• Penggunaan sistem binari merupakan asas penting dalam rekacipta
komputer hari ini.
• 1812, seorang professor matematik di Universiti Cambridge yang
bernama Charle Babbage mencipta alat yang dipanggil differeence
engine yang berjaya melakukan kerja-kerja penjadualan trigonometri dan
dikatakan berupayaan melakukan kerja sehingga 20 digit. Ia juga berjaya
mengeluarkan output cetakan.
• 1835, C. Babbage mencipta alat baru diberi nama Analytical Engine yang
mempunyai Unit-unit kawalan, arithmatik, ingatan unit storan dan output.
Unit storan mengandungi 50 penghitung dan berupayaan menyimpan
1000 nombor yang setiap satu mengandungi 50 digit.
• Inputnya terdiri dari tiga jenis kad tebuk.
• George Boole telah mereka litar-litar logik seperti litar AND, OR dan NOT.
Beliau telah mengemukakan satu simbol algebra betul dan salah dan ini
telah digunakan dalam reka bentuk komputer moden.
• Ciptaan awal komputer merupakan satu mesin besar dan berat dengan
fungsi operasi yang terhad.
• Makmal Telefon Bell telah mempelopori mesin-mesin elektromekanikal
dipanggil computer relay (1940) dan berupaya menjalankan operasi ke
atas nombor-nombor kompleks.
• 1937, Howard Aiken dari Universiti Harvard berjaya mereka satu mesin
yang berupaya menjalankan operasi ke atas urutan arithmatik secara
Selepas tahun 1940an
• 1944, Syarikat IBM dan Howard berkerjasama mengujudkan Kalkulator
Urutan Terkawal Automatik dikenali dengan Mark 1.
• Saiz Mark 1 ialah 15.5 meter panjang, 2.44 meter tinggi, 760,000
bahagian, berat 5 tan dan pendawaian sepanjang 926 KM, 72 penumpuk
dan 60 set suis untuk pengawalan data.
• Mark 1 berupaya menjalankan operasi campur, tolak, darab dan bahagi
disamping beberapa fungsi trigonomentri.
• Penggunaan secara mekanika adalah sangat lambat dan terbatas.
Dengan terciptanya tiub hampagas (Vacuum Tube ), maka beroperasi
komputer lebih pantas beribu kali ganda. Penggunaan tiub vakum yang
pertama pada tahun 1942.
• 1943, Komputer colossus telah dicipta oleh British Code and Cipher
School , Buckinghamshire, England dengan kelajuan 5000 aksara
sesaat. Ianya bertujuan menganalisa maklumat Kerajaan German ketika
perang dunia kedua. Output komputer di atas ialah mesin taip elektrik.
• 1945, J.P. Eckert dan J.W. Mmaunchly dari Universiti Pennsylvania
mencipta komputer digital serba elektronik serba guna ( Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Calculator – ENIAC). Memproses data 1000 kali
lebih cepat dari mark 1. Mesin digunakan untuk program tembakan
meriam pasukan tentera Amerika. Berat 30 tan, perlukan lokasi seluas
139.95 meter persegi dan berhawa dingin. Mempunyai 19,000 tiub
vakum. Berkhidmat sehingga 1955.
• 1946, UNIVAC 1 dicipta. Merupakan komputer perniagaan pertama
• 1952, EDVAC ( Electronic Discrete Variable Computer ) dicipta juga oleh
Eckert dan Mauchly. Ia berkonsepkan program terstor. Ia menggunakan
sistem perduaan untuk operasi arithmatik dan arahan operasi distor
dalam bentuk digital dalam ingatannya.
• 1953, IBM memasang komputer pertama diberi nama IBM 701 dan
seterusnya IBM 650 yang sangat popular ketika itu. Ia mempunyai
beberapa bahagian iaitu Input, Output Unit Konsol dan Unit Bekalan
• Komputer-komputer di atas dipanggil komputer generasi pertama.
Komputer Generasi Kedua
• Bermula 1959, dipasangkan dengan transistor dan dengan ini saiz fizikal
serta tenaga yang digunakan semakin kecil. Ianya menjadi semakin
cekap dan berpotensi tinggi.
• Ianya dimulakan dalam perdagangan. Transistor untuk operasi arithmatik,
teras magnet untuk ingatan, Pita magnet dan cakera adalah untuk media
storan. Masa operasi telah menjadi singkat, contohnya untuk mendarab
dua angka 10 digit mengambil masa hanya 1 uS (mikro saat).
• Antara komputer yang terkenal ialah IBM 1620 dan IBM 1401.
Komputer Generasi Ketiga ( 1964 – 1980an)
• 1971, Dr. Ted Hoff dari Inttel Corporation telah mengembangkan
mikroprosesor Inttel 4004.
• 1975, Ethernet dikembangkan di Xerox PARC ( Palo Alto Research
Center ) oleh Robert Metcalfe. Ethernet merupakan Local Areal Network
(LAN) pertama.
• 1976, Steve Wozniak dan Steve Jobs telah membina komputer Appel
• 1979, Pengaturcaraan Visicalc telah diperkenalkan oleh Bob Frankston
dan Dan Bricklin.
• 1980, Bill Gates iaitu pelopor Microsoft coporation telah diberi peluang
oleh IBM untuk membina sistem pengoparasian MS DOS.
Komputer Generasi Keempat (1980 – kini)
• 1984, IBM memperkenalkan komputer peribadi PC AT, yang
menggunakan mikroprosesor Intel 80286. Apple pula memperkenalkan
komputer Macintosh.
• 1987, beberapa komputer peribadi menggunakan mikroprosesor
berkuasa Intel 80386.
• 1989, Intel 486 telah menjadi 1,000,000 pertama mikroprosesor transistor.
Ia telah mengkompres 1,2 juta transistor pada satu silikon perak
berukuran .4”X.6” dan memberi arahan pada 15 MIPS (juta arahan
• 1990, Microsoft telah mengeluarkan Windoews 3.0, versi yang lebih maju
daripada Windows yang pertama kali diperkenal pada 1985.
• 1991, World Wide Web Standards telah dikeluarkan yang menjelaskan
framework untuk menghubung dokumen pada komputer yang berlainan. 1- 5
Rajah 1.1 :
Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA)
Rajah 1.2 : Komputer dalam Pendidikan
• 1993, Sistem komputer menggunakan mikroprosesor Pantium
diperkenalkan oleh beberapa buah syarikat. Chip Pantium adalah
kesinambungan kepada mikroprosesor Inttel 486.
• 1993, Browser Mosaic Graphical Wed diwujudkan oleh Marc Andreesen
Kejayaan ini membawa kepada penubuhan Netscape Comunications
• 1995, Mikroprosesor Pentium Pro mula dipasarkan oleh Inttel.
• 1997, Inttel memasarkan Mikroprosesor Pantium II yang kepantasannya
tiga hingga empat kali lebih daripada Pantium Pro.
• 1998, Mikrosoft mengeluarkan Windows 98 bersama Active Desktop
suatu peningkatan kepada Windows 95.
• 2000, Mikrosoft mengeluarkan Windows Me bersama Active Destop
Engkaulah yang mula bertakhta
Engkaulah satunya yang menjadi idola
Engkaulah sahaja yang kami minati hingga selamanya
Engkaulah tiada dua tiganya
Dengarlah lagu ini menjadi buktinya
Kami berjanji sumpah setia tuk kekal bersama
Suka dan duka sudah lumrah dunia, tabahkan segalanya
Doa mengiringimu pada setiap waktu
Semoga kau bahgia
Sayangku dengarlah bisikan hatiku
Inginmu kuatkan semangat selalu
Kenangan bersama jadikan penawar kepada dirimu
Suka dan duka sudah lumrah dunia, tabahkan segalanya
Doa mengiringimu pada setiap waktu
Semoga kau bahgia
Kiranya kau merindu tiap saat lagi
Simpanlah alunan lagu kami di hati
Walaupun beribu tahun nanti
Tetap menyayangi
Oh IDOLAKU, kaulah segalanya!
Engkaulah satunya yang menjadi idola
Engkaulah sahaja yang kami minati hingga selamanya
Engkaulah tiada dua tiganya
Dengarlah lagu ini menjadi buktinya
Kami berjanji sumpah setia tuk kekal bersama
Suka dan duka sudah lumrah dunia, tabahkan segalanya
Doa mengiringimu pada setiap waktu
Semoga kau bahgia
Sayangku dengarlah bisikan hatiku
Inginmu kuatkan semangat selalu
Kenangan bersama jadikan penawar kepada dirimu
Suka dan duka sudah lumrah dunia, tabahkan segalanya
Doa mengiringimu pada setiap waktu
Semoga kau bahgia
Kiranya kau merindu tiap saat lagi
Simpanlah alunan lagu kami di hati
Walaupun beribu tahun nanti
Tetap menyayangi
Oh IDOLAKU, kaulah segalanya!
Saturday, 26 November 2011
methods of data storage
Data storage is the holding of data in an electromagnetic form for access by a computer processor. There are two main kinds of storage:
Primary storage is data that is held in in random access memory (RAM) and other memory devices that are built into computers.
Secondary storage is data that is stored on external storage devices such as hard disks, tapes, CD's.
The table below summarises the main methods of data storage
Method | Commentary |
Hard disks | Often called a disk drive, hard drive or hard disk drive, this method of data storage stores and provides relatively quick access to large amounts of data. The information is stored on electromagnetically charged surfaces called 'platters'. |
Floppy disks | A floppy disk is a type of magnetic disk memory which consists of a flexible disk with a magnetic coating. Almost all floppy disks for personal computers now have a capacity of 1.44 megabytes. Floppy disks are readily portable, and are very popular for transferring software from one PC to another. They are, however, very slow compared to hard disks and lack storage capacity. Increasingly, therefore, computer manufacturers are not including floppy disk drives in the products as a built-in storage option. |
Tape storage | Tape is used as an external storage medium. It consists of a loop of flexible celluloid-like material that can store data in the form of electromagnetic charges. A tape drive is the device that positions, writes from, and reads to the tape. A tape cartridge is a protectively-encased tape that is portable. |
Optical disks | An optical disc is a storage medium that can be written to and read using a low-powered laser beam. A laser reads these dots, and the data is converted to an electrical signal, finally converted into the original data. |
CD-R | Compact Disc-Recordable ("CD-R") discs have become a universal data storage medium worldwide. CD-Rs are becoming increasingly popular for music recording and for file storage or transfer between personal conmputers. CDR discs are write-once media. This means that - once used -they cannot be erased or re-recorded upon. CD-R discs can be played back in any audio CD player or CD-ROM drive, as well as many DVD players and drives. |
CD-RW | Compact Disc-Rewritable (CD-RW) disks are rewritable and can be erased and re-recorded upon over and over again. CD-RW discs can only be used on CD players, CD-ROM drives, and DVD players and drives that are CD-RW playback-compatible. |
DVD | A DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) is a high density optical disc with large capacity for storage of data, pictures and sound. The capacity capacity is 4.7 GB for single sided, singe layer DVD disc - which is approximately 7 times larger than that of a compact disc. |
Internal networks
Usually referred to as a local area network (LAN), this involves linking a number of hardware items (input and output devices plus computer processing) together within an office or building.
The aim of a LAN is to be able to share hardware facilities such as printers or scanners, software applications and data. This type of network is invaluable in the office environment where colleagues need to have access to common data or programmes.
External networks
Often you need to communicate with someone outside your internal network, in this case you will need to be part of a Wide Area Network (WAN). The Internet is the ultimate WAN - it is a vast network of networks.
type of information system
types of information system
For most businesses, there are a variety of requirements for information. Senior managers need information to help with their business planning. Middle management need more detailed information to help them monitor and control business activities. Employees with operational roles need information to help them carry out their duties.
As a result, businesses tend to have several "information systems" operating at the same time. This revision note highlights the main categories of information system and provides some examples to help you distinguish between them.
The main kinds of information systems in business are described briefly below:
Information System | Description |
Executive Support Systems | An Executive Support System ("ESS") is designed to help senior management make strategic decisions. It gathers, analyses and summarises the key internal and external information used in the business. A good way to think about an ESS is to imagine the senior management team in an aircraft cockpit - with the instrument panel showing them the status of all the key business activities. ESS typically involve lots of data analysis and modelling tools such as "what-if" analysis to help strategic decision-making. |
Management Information Systems | A management information system ("MIS") is mainly concerned with internal sources of information. MIS usually take data from the transaction processing systems (see below) and summarise it into a series of management reports. MIS reports tend to be used by middle management and operational supervisors. |
Decision-Support Systems | Decision-support systems ("DSS") are specifically designed to help management make decisions in situations where there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those decisions. DSS comprise tools and techniques to help gather relevant information and analyse the options and alternatives. DSS often involves use of complex spreadsheet and databases to create "what-if" models. |
Knowledge Management Systems | Knowledge Management Systems ("KMS") exist to help businesses create and share information. These are typically used in a business where employees create new knowledge and expertise - which can then be shared by other people in the organisation to create further commercial opportunities. Good examples include firms of lawyers, accountants and management consultants. KMS are built around systems which allow efficient categorisation and distribution of knowledge. For example, the knowledge itself might be contained in word processing documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations. internet pages or whatever. To share the knowledge, a KMS would use group collaboration systems such as an intranet. |
Transaction Processing Systems | As the name implies, Transaction Processing Systems ("TPS") are designed to process routine transactions efficiently and accurately. A business will have several (sometimes many) TPS; for example: - Billing systems to send invoices to customers - Systems to calculate the weekly and monthly payroll and tax payments - Production and purchasing systems to calculate raw material requirements - Stock control systems to process all movements into, within and out of the business |
Office Automation Systems | Office Automation Systems are systems that try to improve the productivity of employees who need to process data and information. Perhaps the best example is the wide range of software systems that exist to improve the productivity of employees working in an office (e.g. Microsoft Office XP) or systems that allow employees to work from home or whilst on the move. |
Thursday, 24 November 2011
What is Information Technology?
Information Technology, or IT, is the study, design, creation, utilization, support, and management of computer-based information systems, especially software applications and computer hardware.
IT is not limited solely to computers though. With technologies quickly developing in the fields of cell phones, PDAs and other handled devices, the field of IT is quickly moving from compartmentalized computer-focused areas to other forms of mobile technology.
Information Technology, or IT, is the study, design, creation, utilization, support, and management of computer-based information systems, especially software applications and computer hardware.
IT is not limited solely to computers though. With technologies quickly developing in the fields of cell phones, PDAs and other handled devices, the field of IT is quickly moving from compartmentalized computer-focused areas to other forms of mobile technology.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
selamat ary raye sume...
selamat menyambut aidiladha buat seluruh umat islam....semoga korban yang dibuat akan dirahmati oleh Allah S.W.T
Friday, 14 October 2011
hari yg ceria.......huhuhu
bestnye mggu ni......xlama ag dh nk cuty...xsabar rsenye nk blik kg....umi tggu kepulangan ankmu ini,huhu.....& buat kwn2 ku...lalui lah ary2 mu dengan gembira.......kuikuikui
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
time kaseh buat kwnku yg getek 2 cz tlg emiey ye.......cyg korang sume,huhuhuhuhu...akhirnye berjaya ugk....
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